Thursday, May 15, 2008

National Hip Hop Political Convention

The National Hip Hop Political Convention (NHHPC) is a non-profit organization promoting political education while encouraging workers and public engagement using the influence of Hip Hop Culture. In the spring of 2003, a group of activists, artists, educators, entrepreneurs, journalists and civic leaders from the Hip Hop generation began gathering to develop a plan to focus on the political and cultural power of the hip hop generation into typical political activities. Out of those meetings came the idea for the National Hip Hop Political Convention, a bi-annual event that would bring together delegates from all over the country to develop, endorse and vote on a political agenda for the Hip Hop Generation, and act as training ground to recognize and support local, state and national leadership to apply that agenda. The work of the NHHPC is grounded in the following: Working class Activism, Civic Education, Economic Self-Determination, Voter Participation and Cultural Inspiration. The founding members of the National Hip Hop Political Convention identified eight social issues that would provide as the foundation around which we would organize. Those social issues were; Criminal Justice, Economic Justice, Educational Empowerment, Equality, Global Issues, Health, Environment and Welfare, Media Regulation and, Organizing the Organizers.

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